Electrify Your Practice and Improve Patient Outcomes.
There are several benefits of using the NeuFit system for a physiotherapists, chiropractor, athletic trainer, or other fitness or performance specialists including:
It helps improve the health and well-being of patients who are suffering from muscle weakness, chronic pain, or other musculoskeletal conditions. By providing effective treatment options, health professionals can help their patients achieve better outcomes and improve their quality of life.

Faster results
The Neubie is a valuable tool for helping patients recover from injuries and surgeries. It helps to speed up the healing process, reduce pain and swelling, and improve the strength and flexibility of the muscles. As a result, practitioners who incorporate the NeuFit system are able to help their patients return to their regular activities and routines more quickly, which helps to improve patient satisfaction and build a positive reputation for their practice.
Complementary to other treatments
It can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, such as exercise and manual therapy. By offering a range of treatment options, clinicians can create personalised treatment plans for their patients and provide more comprehensive care. This helps to improve patient outcomes and increase the effectiveness of their treatments.

What issues can clinicians treat with the Neubie & NeuFit Method?
Clinicians have been able to use the NeuFit Method and the Neubie Device to help patients recovering from:
Plantar fasciitis
Ankle sprain
Carpal tunnel
Strained quad or hip flexor
Back pain
Trigger finger
Shin splints
Neck pain
Knee ligament injury
Rotator cuff injury
Swelling and lymphedema
Jumper's knee
Shoulder impingement
Other strained or torn muscles
Hamstring strain
UCL strain
Chronic pain
Pulled groin
Tennis elbow
Recovery from orthopedic surgery
Strained quad or hip flexor

Neuromuscular re-education
Clinicians have also seen success using the NeuFit Method to help patients with neuromuscular re-education and regaining function lost due to:
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.)
...and other neurological injuries or diseases
How to get started with Neufit

Complete the Neubie Certification course and get access to our online video library that contains additional content to help elevate your practice.
Join our growing NeuFit community and interact with other NeuFit practitioners around the world and get access to ongoing support.

Just a sample of the hundreds of professional sports teams, universities, and medical practices that have already incorporated the NeuFit System globally:
Practices / Clinics
Pro Sport Teams
Practitioner Stories
Examples of how the NeuFit is changing their businesses
Angie and Joe McGilvrey
Owners of Apex Physical Therapy
"NeuFit has really helped us in building our business around athletes. In addition to using the Neubie in our PT practice, we've hired a strength and conditioning coach who uses the Neubie on the performance side, so now we're able to expand our scope to serve patients all the way from the rehabilitation side through to elite sports performance, using NeuFit throughout that whole continuum."
Brian Gallagher, PT
Former "National Practice of the Year Winner" and Founder of MEG Business
I tell practice owners to find the thing that is going to make them stand out, to make them look like a zebra and not like all the other brown horses. When I first experienced the Neubie, I knew it would be one of those true differentiators. And for the practice owners I work with, it's impacted their outcomes, their overall quality and brand, and their revenue.
Jacqui Broering
Owner of Performance Physical Therapy & Wellness
Not only has the Neubie resulted in patients seeing improvements in function and a reduction in pain much faster than our previously manually driven treatment approach, our therapists don't have to physically work as hard and are more enthusiastic with delivery of care as improvements are substantially greater in less time. The use of this innovative technology has patients unsolicitedly marketing for us and has been instrumental in attracting forward thinking students for clinical affiliations and recruiting additional staff that align with the culture of our business.
Jacqui Broering
Owner of Performance Physical Therapy & Wellness
Not only has the Neubie resulted in patients seeing improvements in function and a reduction in pain much faster than our previously manually driven treatment approach, our therapists don't have to physically work as hard and are more enthusiastic with delivery of care as improvements are substantially greater in less time. The use of this innovative technology has patients unsolicitedly marketing for us and has been instrumental in attracting forward thinking students for clinical affiliations and recruiting additional staff that align with the culture of our business.
Jacqui Broering
Owner of Performance Physical Therapy & Wellness
Not only has the Neubie resulted in patients seeing improvements in function and a reduction in pain much faster than our previously manually driven treatment approach, our therapists don't have to physically work as hard and are more enthusiastic with delivery of care as improvements are substantially greater in less time. The use of this innovative technology has patients unsolicitedly marketing for us and has been instrumental in attracting forward thinking students for clinical affiliations and recruiting additional staff that align with the culture of our business.
Have questions?
We got you covered.
Please visit our research page for more information or email us at support@neufit.com.au.
There is an abundant amount of scientific research in regards to the effectiveness of the Neubie. For more information, please visit our science page.
To start with, we believe our technology and methods are revolutionary and are changing the game in physical therapy, chiropractic, athletic training, and related fields.
Other medical device companies may say that, too, so to fully answer the question we also have to go beyond the technology. NeuFit is a family-owned company that puts patients and clinicians before stockholders and cares deeply about supporting and educating all of our practitioners and patients. It’s about more than hitting quarterly earnings targets or a business opportunity — it’s a calling to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Because of that, we have regular mastermind calls and educational opportunities, we listen to our practitioners and use that feedback to drive innovation, and we will always go out of our way to help you have a positive experience.
The Neubie is not a TENS unit. Part of what makes the Neubie unique is the fact that it utilises direct current and its other technical specifications.
By using direct current (DC) rather than alternating current (AC), the Neubie maximises the potential for neuromuscular re-education and improved neurophysiological function. When you turn up a TENS unit or other traditional e-stim device, the patient will typically have protective co-contractions that promote inefficient movement patterns and can limit the effectiveness of the intervention. With the unique waveform of the Neubie, you can minimise those protective contractions and provide higher levels of sensory, or afferent, input.
There is also some evidence that DC can promote tissue healing and repair. Whereas the AC signal in traditional devices creates electric fields that switch direction many times per second, direct current sustains an electric field in one direction for a longer period of time. This electric field can orient—and possibly increase—the activity of cells that repair and regenerate all types of tissues, including bone, muscle, and connective tissue.
Besides using direct current, the Neubie’s waveforms have been engineered to reduce resistance and irritation to the skin, along with the discomfort associated with electric charge accumulation (which often occurs with traditional direct current devices).
To read more about these concepts or review some of the scientific references that support our work, please check out our Science page.
Clinicians have been able to use the NeuFit Method and the Neubie Device to help patients recovering from:
Plantar fasciitis
Ankle sprain
Shin splints
Knee ligament injury
Jumper’s knee
Hamstring strain
Pulled groin
Strained quad or hip flexor
Back pain
Neck pain
Rotator cuff injury
Shoulder impingement
UCL strain
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel
Trigger finger
Swelling and lymphedema
Other strained or torn muscles
Chronic pain
Recovery from orthopedic surgery
Clinicians have also seen success using the NeuFit Method to help patients with neuromuscular re-education and regaining function lost due to:
Spinal Cord Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
…And other neurological injuries or diseases.
After helping people recover from their initial injury, many practitioners also use the NeuFit Method and Neubie Device to help patients and clients return to fitness or sports performance training, supporting a sustainable and efficient regimen that often helps them achieve results faster and safer than traditional training.
Yes, the Neubie is FDA-cleared as a Class-2 medical device. Because it can go up to the maximum power allowed by law, it also requires a prescription or the supervision of a licensed practitioner.
The Neubie is indicated for:
Maintaining or increasing range of motion
Increasing local blood circulation
Neuromuscular Re-education
Preventing atrophy
Reducing spasms
Preventing venous thrombosis after surgery
Management or relief of chronic pain
Management of post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain
It is also contraindicated in patients who have a cardiac pacemaker or are pregnant.
The Neubie is most commonly used in combination with the NeuFit Method, which uses techniques from functional neurology, physical therapy, and other disciplines to maximise the impact of the Neubie and enhance treatment outcomes.
Yes, we have financing options available. Please contact us to learn more about financing options.
Every NEUBIE comes with a supply of electrodes, several neoprene wraps, all the lead wires and power cables you’ll need, and it all fits nicely in a branded rolling suitcase. For our professional users, the virtual level 1 certification and 2 years of our top level warranty and support is included:
Device Support;
Continuing Education Opportunities;
Listing on Website;
Extended Warranty to replace and repair your Neubie quickly;
License to use NeuFit System; Marks, and other I.P.;
Access to Regularly-Updated Marketing Materials
You’ll also gain access to the NeuFit Practitioners Facebook Group where you’ll be able to exchange tips and tricks with other certified professionals. Plus you’ll be invited to a live Monthly Mastermind call to hear the latest news, best practices, advanced techniques, and business advice. This call is also recorded to be able to listen in when you can.
It starts (and ends) with breakthrough results.
The NeuFit® system, including the Neubie® device and the NeuFit Method, has a history of producing immediate and impressive results for patients. These "wow" experiences, which are often superior to traditional therapy, contribute to improved patient care and outcomes. As a result, patients are more likely to continue using the NeuFit system and refer it to others, leading to even more breakthrough results.